

Finance & HR
Tim Truex, Chair
JJ Burkhart
Justin Enix

JJ Burkhart, Chair
Ian Ball
Debra Carver

Streets, Sidewalks, & SDC
Ed Black, Chair
Debra Carver
Tim Truex

Parks, Building, & Grounds
Ian Ball, Chair
JJ Burkhart
Ed Black

Public Utilities
Debra Carver, Chair
Ian Ball
Justin Enix

Community Development
Justin Enix, Chair
Tim Truex
Ed Black

Debra Carver

Justin Enix

Shade Tree
JJ Burkhart

Council meetings* are normally held at the Bellville Police Department, 320 Bell Street, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Council meetings begin at 5:30pm.

Council Members serve four-year staggered terms. Two council members are elected by the voters the same year as the mayor for a four-year term, and four council members are elected for four-year terms two years after a mayoral election. There are a total of six council members.

Council Members

Ian Ball

JJ Burkhart

Debra Carver

Justin Enix

Tim Truex

Ed Black

Duties of Council Include

Fix the salaries and bonds of Village elected officials and employees.
Work with the Mayor, Village Administrator, and Fiscal Officer to construct a budget for the Village on an annual basis.
May pass legislation in the form of ordinances and resolutions by state statute.

For more information, please see

Rules of Council
Committee Structure

*Special meetings of Council can be called from time to time. Such meetings will be announced to the news media, posted at Village Hall, and/or posted on our website at least 24 hours in advance.

Council Minute Records – here