15-2025 A Resolution of Preliminary Legislation for ODOT PID No. 121720 and Declaring an Emergency
13-2025 A Resolution to Authorize the Village Administrator to Purchase Water Meters Valued at $5,385.46 from Core & Main and Declaring an Emergency
11-2025 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 1.23.2025 and Declaring an Emergency
9-2025 A Resolution to Extend the Moratorium on the Sale of Recreational and/or Medicinal Cannabis until 30 Days after the Approval of the Same by a Vote of the Citizens of the Village of Bellville at a General Election or 31 December 2025, whichever is sooner and Declaring an Emergency
7-2025 An Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict and Declaring an Emergency
5-2025 An Ordinance Approving Retention Incentives to Non-Police Full-Time Employees
3-2025 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 1.6.2025 and Declaring an Emergency
1-2025 A Resolution Naming Michael Morton as the Designee for all of the Elected Officials of the Village of Bellville for the Purpose of Public Records Training and Certification under Ohio Revised Code § 109.43(B)
14-2025 An Ordinance Approving Vacating a Permanent Highway Easement No Longer Needed by the Village_Brynes Property
12-2025 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Police Chief to Purchase a 2025 Dodge Durango and Declaring an Emergency
10-2025 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Sell a John Deere Stand up Mower 661R Deemed Unneccessary and/or Obsolete
8-2025 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator and/or Village Police Chief to Engage in a Contract for Services and Materials with Sentec Systems for a Total of $16,398.22 and Declaring an Emergency
6-2025 An Ordinance Increasing the Wage for Aiden Perry and Approving Funding for Same and Declaring an Emergency
4-2025 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Attend Trainings for 29 January 2025 through 31 January 2025 and Approving Funding for the Same and Declaring an Emergency
2-2025 A Resolution Expressing Intent to Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Municipal Property by Internet Auction in the Year 2025 and Designating Govdeals.com as Representative to Conduct the Auctions
92-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 12.6.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
90-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 11.22.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
88-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 11.12.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
86-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 7.31.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
84-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 6.10.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
82-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 1.10.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
80-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.140(E) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
78-2024 An Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict and Declaring an Emergency
76-2024 A Resolution to Enter into a Contract for Engineering Services with K.E. McCartney & Associates, and Declaring an Emergency
74-2024 A Resolution Appointing Robert Sharp as Village Solicitor for Criminal Matters, Authorizing a Contract for the Same
72-2024 An Ordinance to Authorize the Village Administrator to Approve Repairs Totaling $11,571.81, Inclusive of Related Labor, for a Village-Owned Leaf Vac from Dinkmar, Partners Mfg Group, and Declaring an Emergency
70-2024 An Ordinance to Authorize the Village Police Chief to Purchase Certain Equipment Totaling $5,443.20, Inclusive of Related Labor, for a Village-Owned Jeep from Parr Public Safety Equipment and Declaring an Emergency
68-2024 A Resolution to Adopt the Second Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2024 and Declaring an Emergency
66-2024 A Resolution to Provide a Net Monthly Pay of $750 per Month to Chris Hollar for the Months of September, October and November
64-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.300(B) Regarding Telephone, Cellular and/or Radio Communication Assignment and Use
62-2024 A Resolution to Waive the Residency Requirement for the Village Fiscal Officer
60-2024 An Ordinance Approving the Vacation of an Alley Running between Village Lots 418-432 and 441-455 within the Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest
58-2024 A Resolution to Approve the Appointment of Michael Morton as Village Administrator and Declaring an Emergency
56-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Interim Village Administrator to Enter into an Easement with the Board of Commissioners of Richland County and Declaring an Emergency
54-2024 An Ordinance to Add Section 36.03 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
52-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 31.05(D)(5) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
50-2024 A Resolution Establishing a Social Media Policy for the Employees, Administration, Appointed Officials, and Elected Officials of the Village of Bellville
48-2024 An Ordinance Approving the Vacation of an Alley running between Village lots 184, 185, 197 and 198 with the Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest and Declaring an Emergency
46-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Contract Between the Village of Bellville and Sarver Paving, Co. and Declaring an Emergency
44-2024 A Resolution to Extend the Moratorium on the Sale of Recreational and/or Medicinal Cannibis until 30 days after the Approval of the same by Vote of the Citizens of the Village of Bellville at a General Election or 31 January 2025, whichever is sooner and Declaring an Emergency
42-2024 A Resolution to Provide a Net Monthly Pay of $2,500 to Mike Hoeflich and Amanda Perry and $1,250 to Chris Hollar and Declaring an Emergency
40-2024 A Resolution Declaring that it is Necessary to Levy the Renewal of a Tax Levy in order to Provide for the Current Expenses of the Village and Requesting that the Richland County Auditor Certify to Council Certain Information Pursuant to R.C. § 5705.03(B) and 5705.19(A)
38-2024 A Resolution to Enter into a 1st Amendment to the Master Service Agreement dated 2/8/2023 between Archer Energy LLC and the Village of Bellville, Richland County, Ohio for Gas Services and Declaring an Emergency
36-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Mayor and Village Fiscal Officer to Purchase a 2024 Can-Am Defender Pro Limited Cab HD10 and Declaring an Emergency
34-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Mayor and Village Fiscal Officer to Enter into a Contract with Terra Valley Excavating and Declaring an Emergency
32-2024 A Resolution Naming Mike Hoeflich as Interim Zoning Inspector for the Village of Bellville in the Absence of an Administrator and Declaring an Emergency
30-2024 A Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Selection of Drew Piersall of Zashin & Rich Co., LPA to Represent the Village for Specific Employee Matters and Declaring an Emergency
28-2024 An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Mayor and the Village Chief of Police to enter into an Agreement with the Village of Butler Regarding the Training of Certain Officers and Declaring an Emergency
26-2024 A Resolution approving the Richland County Final 9-1-1 Plan
24-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 39.05(G)(6) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
22-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 39.05(A) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
20-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 39.03(F)(4) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
18-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 39.02(C)(12)(o) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
16-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Schooley Caldwell Associates for the Renovation of Village Hall and Declaring an Emergency
14-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Easement with Interstate Land Company, Inc.
12-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Flow Monitoring Contract with K.E.M. McCartney and Associates, Inc.
10-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 13.01 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
8-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Police Chief to Sell a Ford Taurus Police Cruiser Deemed Unnecessary and/or Obsolete and Declaring an Emergency
6-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Sell a Boss Snowplow Deemed Unnecessary and/or Obsolete and Declaring an Emergency
4-2024 A Resolution Expressing Intent to Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Municipal Property by Internet Auction in the Year 2024 and Designating Govdeals.com as Representative to Conduct the Auctions
2-2024 A Resolution Naming Amanda Perry as the Designee for all of the Elected Officials of the Village of Bellville for the Purpose of Public Records Training and Certification under Ohio Revised Code § 109.43(B)
93-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 12.13.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
91-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 11.29.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
89-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 11.14.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
87-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 10.1.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
85-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 7.23.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
83-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 3.4.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
81-2024 A Resolution Approving the Transfer of Funds from the General Fund, with such Approval being Retroactive to 1.1.2024 and Declaring an Emergency
79-2024 A Resolution Adopting Permanent Appropriations for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures of the Village of Bellville, Richland County, State of Ohio During the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2025 and Declaring an Emergency
77-2024 A Resolution to Approve the Village Administrator to Apply for a Grant for a 100kW Diesel Generator for Water Wells and Declaring an Emergency
75-2024 An Ordinance to Authorize the Village Administrator to Purchase a Salt Spreader for Village-Owned Utility Truck Totaling $5,400.00, from Sprang’s Truck & RV Center, Inc, and Declaring an Emergency
73-2024 A Resolution Appointing Sarah E. Exten as Civil Village Solicitor, Authorizing a Contract for the Same
71-2024 A Resolution to Increase the Pay of the Village Chief of Police by 3%, Retroactive to 2.5.24 and Declaring an Emergency
69-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Police Chief to Purchase a 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee and Declaring an Emergency
67-2024 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency
65-2024 A Resolution to Provide a Net Monthly Pay of $1,250 per Month to Mike Hoeflich and Amanda Perry for the Months of September, October and November
63-2024 A Resolution to Waive the Residency Requirement for the Village Administrator
61-2024 An Ordinance Setting the Wage for the Position of Village Fiscal Officer
59-2024 An Ordinance Approving the Vacation of Two Unnamed Alleys One Alley Running North and South, East of Main St. and One Alley Running East and West, South of Durbin St. within the Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest
57-2024 An Ordinance Authorizing the Village Mayor to Enter into a Magistrate Agreement with Amy E. Skpopits for the Position of Part-Time Magistrate and Declaring an Emergency
55-2024 An Ordinance to Authorize the Interim Village Administrator to Purchase Certain Equipment Totaling $38,495.00, Inclusive of Related Labor, for a Village-Owned Truck from Hughes Equipment and Declaring an Emergency
53-2024 An Ordinance to Add Section 31.05(I) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
51-2024 A Resolution to Proceed to Renew a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Renewing a Tax of Three (3.0) Mills for Current Expenses of the Village of Bellville, and Declaring an Emergency_Revised
49-2024 A Resolution to Proceed to Renew a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Renewing a Tax of Three (3.0) Mills for Current Expenses of the Village of Bellville, and Declaring an Emergency
47-2024 An Ordinance to Accept the Plat for the Urban Meadows Phase II Development
45-2024 A Resolution to Adopt the First Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2024
43-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Mayor and Fiscal Officer of Bellville to Enter into an Agreement with Schrock Premier Construction
41-2024 A Resolution Naming Mike Hoeflich as Interim Village Administrator and Naming Chris Hollar as Interim Zoning Inspector for the Village of Bellville in the Absence of the Administrator and Declaring an Emergency
39-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Mayor and the Village Fiscal Officer to Purchase a 2024 F-550 Chassis 4×4 SD Regular Cab 145″ WB DRW XL (F5H) and Declaring an Emergency
37-2024 A Resolution to Enter into a 1st Amendment to the Master Service Agreement dated 2/8/2023 between Archer Energy LLC and the Village of Bellville, Richland County, Ohio for Electric Services and Declaring an Emergency
35-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and Village Fiscal Officer to Enter into a Contract with Sarver Paving Company and Declaring an Emergency
33-2024 An Ordinance Approving Retention Incentives to Amanda Perry and Mike Hoeflich and Declaring an Emergency
31-2024 A Resolution to Terminate Larry Weirich as Administrator for the Village of Bellville Without Cause and Declaring an Emergency
29-2024 A Resolution Naming the Village Mayor and the Village Fiscal Officer as the Contracting Agents of the Village in the Absence of the Administrator and Declaring an Emergency
27-2024 An Ordinance Approving the Vacation of an Alley with the Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest
25-2024 An Ordinance to Add Section 39.18(C)(3) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
23-2024 An Ordinance to Add Section 39.05(G)(5) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
21-2024 An Ordinance to Add Section 39.03(G) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
19-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 39.03(F)(1) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances and Declaring an Emergency
17-2024 An Ordinance Approving the Allocation of Funds to Permit the Village Fiscal Officer to Attend Training from from the Ohio Auditor of the State and Ohio Association of Public Treasurers and Declaring an Emergency
15-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator of Bellville to Enter into an Easement with Matthew B. Conrad
13-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into an Easement with the Young Men’s Christian Association of North Central Ohio, Inc.
11-2024 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.200 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
9-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Terra Valley Excavating for Outlet Structure and Dump Site Improvements at Palm Park and Declaring an Emergency
7-2024 A Resolution To Impose a Six Month Moratorium on the Sale of Recreational and/or Medicinal Cannabis and Declaring an Emergency
5-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Sell the 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 3500 4WD Dump Truck and Declaring an Emergency
3-2024 An Ordinance to Approve Separate Fund Transfer from Street Fund to the Bond Retirement and Note Retirement Fund
1-2024 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Mayor and/or Village Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Mid-Ohio Aggregates, LLC, and Declaring an Emergency
34-2023 A Resolution Appointing Sarah E. Exten as Village Solicitor for Civil Matters, Authorizing a Contract for the Same
32-2023 A Resolution Adopting Permanent Appropriations for the Current Expenses and other Expenditures of the Village of Bellville, Richland County, State of Ohio during the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024
30-2023 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.140(B) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
28-2023 A Resolution Declaring that it is Necessary to Levy the Renewal of a Tax Levy in order to Provide for the Current Expenses of the Village and Requesting that the Richland County Auditor Certify to Council Certain Information Pursuant to R.C. § 5705.03(B) and 5705.19(A)
26-2023 An Ordinance to Provide for the Burial of Indigent Legal Residents of the Village of Bellville in Accordance with 9.15 of the Ohio Revised Code
24-2023 A Resolution Accepting the Annexation of Land into the Village of Bellville (Storyside)
22-2023 A Resolution to Enter into a Consent Agreement with ODOT (for the removal of snow and ice)
20-2023 A Resolution Declaring the Village Shall Provide Water Services upon Annexation of Petitioned Land Pursuant to 709.023(C) and Declaring an Emergency
18-2023 An Ordinance Approving the Vacation of an Alley within the Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest
16-2023 A Resolution to Adopt the Fourth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2023 and Declaring an Emergency
14-2023 An Ordinance Authorizing the Administrator of the Village of Bellville, Ohio to Enter into Contracts with Brennstuhl Construction for the South Main Street Sidewalk Project and Declaring an Emergency
12-2023 An Ordinance Authorizing the Administrator of the Village of Bellville, Ohio to Enter into a Contract for Paving and Declaring an Emergency
10-2023 A Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Purchase a London Fogger Model 9-10 with Honda Engine and Declaring an Emergency
8-2023 A Resolution to Adopt the Second Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2023 and Declaring an Emergency
6-2023 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $63,000 Village Equipment Bond, Series 2023 and Declaring an Emergency
4-2023 A Resolution to Adopt the First Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2023 and Declaring an Emergency
2-2023 A Resolution Expressing Intent to Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Municipal Property by Internet Auction in the Year 2023 and Designating Govdeals.com as Representative to Conduct the Auctions
33-2023 A Resolution to Enter into a Contract for Engineering Services with K.E. McCartney & Associates, Inc.
31-2023 An Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict
29-2023 An Ordinance Approving Retention Incentives to Village Police Officers Utilizing the Ohio EMA ARPA First Responder Grant Funds and Declaring an Emergency
27-2023 An Ordinance to Amend Section 155.370(I)(1) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
25-2023 An Ordinance to Prohibit Burials in the Village of Bellville Limits, Excepting Registered Cemeteries
23-2023 A Resolution to Enter into an Extension Agreement for Accounting Services with Charles E. Harris & Associates, Inc.
21-2023 A Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor and Declaring an Emergency
19-2023 An Ordinance to Amended Certain Subsections of Section 31.05 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
17-2023 An Amended Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict
15-2023 An Ordinance to Change the Zoning District of a Certain Parcel of Land (Kocheiser Rd)
13-2023 A Resolution to Adopt the Third Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2023 and Declaring an Emergency
11-2023 A Resolution Authorizing the Selection of Luther Liggett, Jr to Represent the Village for Specific Contract Matters and Declaring an Emergency
9-2023 A Resolution to Authorize the Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract for Lease of Public Land
7-2023 A Resolution to Authorize Solicitation of Bids for the Bellville Sidewalks Project (RIC-13-04-26) and Declaring an Emergency
5-2023 An Ordinance to Amend Section 114.99 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
3-2023 An Ordinance to Approve Separate Fund Transfers from the General Fund and Street Fund to the Bond and Note Retirement Funds
1-2023 An Resolution Naming Amanda Perry as the Designee for All of the Elected Officials of the Village of Bellville for the Purpose of Public Records Training and Certification under ORC 109.43(B)
48-2022 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.104 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
46-2022 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.080 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
44-2022 An Amended Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict
42-2022 Resolution to Adopt the Seventh Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
40-2022 A Resolution Appointing Michael Kemerer as Village Solicitor for Criminal Matters, Authorizing a Contract for the same
38-2022 Legislation Consent ODOT Municipal Bridge Inspection Program
36-2022 Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor
34-2022 Resolution to Adopt Addendum Number One to the Contract Dated February 17, 1981 Between the Village of Bellville, Ohio, and the Board of Commissioner, Richland County Ohio Providing for the Disposal and Treatment of Sewage
32-2022 Resolution Authorizing the Administrator of the Village of Bellville, Ohio to Enter into an Agreement with Jefferson Township for the Construction of a Storm Sewer and Declaring an Emergency
30-2022 Resolution to Adopt the Fourth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
28-2022 Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Renew a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Renewing a Tax of Two Mills for Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Village Cemetery and Declaring an Emergency
26-2022 Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Renew a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Renewing a Tax of Two Mills for Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Village Cemetery
24-2022 Resolution to Authorize Solicitation of Bids for the Poorman Road Drainage Improvement Project
22-2022 Systematic Sign Replacements on SR 13 and SR 97
20-2022 Establish Water Rates and Repeal Sections of Ordinances in Conflict
18-2022 Adopt the 2nd Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022
16-2022 Amended Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Repealing Ordinances in Conflict
14-2022 Resolution Establishing a Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT) of $250,0000 for use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds in Accordance with 2 CFR Section 200.320(a)(2) (i) and (ii)
12-2022 Self-Certifying a $50,000 Mico-Purchase Threshold for use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds in Accordance with 2 CFR Section 200.320(a)(1)(iii) and (iv)
10-2022 Vacation of Two Alleys within Village Limits for Good Cause and Finding that the Vacation will not be Detrimental to the General Interest
8-2022 Authorize Solicitation of Bids for the Bellville 2022 Street Improvement Project & Declaring an Emergency
6-2022 Accepting the Gift from J.C. Gorman, Trustee of 5.2871 Acres of Land for Public Use as a Dog Park & Declaring an Emergency
4-2022 Amend Section 30.16 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
2-2022 Expressing Intent to Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Municipal Property by Internet Auction in the Year 2022 & Designated GOVDEALS.COM as Representative to Conduct the Auctions
49-2022 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.300(B) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
47-2022 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.103 of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
45-2022 An Ordinance to Amend Section 38.050(A) of the Village of Bellville Municipal Code of Ordinances
43-2022 A Resolution Adopting Permanent Appropriations for the Current Expenses and Other Expenditures of the Village of Bellville, Richland County, State of Ohio during the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2023
41-2022 Resolution to Enter into a Contract for Engineering Services with K.E. McCartney & Associates, Inc. and Authorizing a Contract for the same
39-2022 Resolution Appointing Sarah E. Exten as Village Solicitor for Civil Matters, Authorizing a Contract for the same
37-2022 Ordinance Approving Bonuses to Village Employees Utilizing Village ARPA Funds
35-2022 Resolution to Adopt the Sixth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
33-2022 Resolution to Adopt the Fifth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
31-2022 Resolution Accepting the Gift from BCI Leasing, Inc. and Declaring an Emergency
29-2022 Resolution to Adopt the Third Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenues and Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
27-2022 Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Replace a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Replacing a Tax of Three Mills to Provide for the Village Police Services and Declaring an Emergency
25-2022 Resolution Declaring it Necessary to Replace a Tax in Excess of the Ten Mill Limitation by Replacing a Tax of Three Mills to Provide for the Village Police Services
23-2022 Acceptance of Gift from Matthew R McCune of Funds for Public Use
21-2022 Levy the Renewal of a Tax Levy in order to Provide for the Village Cemetery and Requesting that the Richland County Auditor Certify to Council certain Information Pursuant to R.C. Section 5705.03(B) and 5705.19(T)
19-2022 Establish Sewer Rates and Repeal Sections of Ordinances in Conflict
17-2022 Levy Replacement of a Tax Levy in order to Provide for Village Police Services and Requesting that the Richland County Auditor Certify to Council certain Information Pursuant to R.C. Section 5705.03(B) and 5705.19(J)
15-2022 Resolution Authorizing Officials of the Village of Bellville to enter into the Development and Maintenance Agreement with the Clear Fork Youth League
13-2022 Resolution Adopting Procurement Policies and Procedures for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Specific Expenditures
11-2022 Take the ‘Standard Allowance’ of up to 75% of the Applicable Budget as the Amount of Revenue Loss for Use for the Provision of Government Services under Section 603(c)(1)(C) of the American Rescue Plan
9-2022 Adopt 1st Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Appropriations for 2022 and Declaring an Emergency
7-2022 Include Additional Streets for Prohibition of Parking During Snow Emergencies
5-2022 Reaffirming the Issuance & Sale of $44,360 Village Vehicle Bond, Series 2022
3-2022 Naming Aimee Brown as the Designee for all the Elected Officials of the Village of Bellville for the Purpose of Public Records Training & Certification Under ORC 109.43(B)
1-2022 Approve Separate Fund Transfers form the General Fund & Street Fund to the Bond Retirement Fund & Note Retirement Fund.
46-2021 Authorizing the Administrator of the Village of Bellville, Ohio to Accept Terms of the Ohio Dept of Development’s Water & Wastewater for One Hundred Fifty-seven Thousand & Five Hundred Dollars ($157,500) for Specified Projects in the Village and for hte Administrator to Execute Contracts as Required & Declaring an Emergency
44-2021 Adopt the Fifth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Appropriations for 2021 & Declaring an Emergency
42-2021 Enter a Contract for Engineering Services with K.E. McCartney & Associates, INC.
40-2021 Amend Section 155.375 to Allow Food Trucks in the Conservation District
38-2021 Approving a One-time Bonus to be Paid to the Village Employees for Services Rendered to the Village During the COVID-19 Pandemic
36-2021 Amend Section 31.01(C) to Make the Village Administrator a Full-time & Exempt Salary Status Employee & to Provide Health Insurance Benefits
34-2021 Emergency Resolution to Accept the Material Terms of the One Ohio Subdivision Settlement Pursuant to the One Ohio Memorandum of Understanding & Consistent with the Terms of the July 21,2021 National Opioid Settlement Agreement
32-2021 Accepting Gift from J.C. Gorman, Trustee of 7.2465 Acres(More or Less) of Land for Public Use as a Dog Park & Declaring an Emergency
30-2021 Adopt the Fourth Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenue & Appropriations for 2021 & Declaring an Emergency
28-2021 Approval & Granting Consent to the Director of the Ohio Dept of Transportation Auth to, Apply, Maintain & Repair Standard Longitudinal Pavement Markings & Erect Regulatory & Waring Signs, & Remove Snow & Ice and use Snow & Ice Control Material, & Perform Maintenance and/or Repair on State Highways Inside Village Corp Limits
26-2021 Establish Permit Requirements & Restrictions for Food Trucks
24-2021 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Sell Various Municipal Assets no Longer of Use to the Village
22-2021 Adopt the Third Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenue & Appropriations for 2021 & Declaring an Emergency
20-2021 Adopt the Second Amendment to the Village Certificate of Est Revenue & Appropriation for 2021 & Declaring an Emergency
18-2021 Establish “Local Fiscal Recovery Fund” & Authorizing the Director of Finance & Public Record as Ex-Officio Municipality Treasurer to Accept all Funds Retreived under the America Rescue Plan & Deposit them in said Funds, For the Village of Bellville, & Declaring an Emergency
16-2021 Golf Carts on Village Roadways
14-2021 Adopt a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
12-2021 Amend Section 38-320 Procedures for Random Drug Testing
10-2021 Consenting to Annexation of Petition Land Petition Land Pursuant to 709.023(c) and Declaring an Emergency
08-2021 Amend to Max Employee Wages and Declaring an Emergency
06-2021 LPA for Sidewalk Improvements in the Area of Urban Meadows and Delaring an Emergency
04-2021 Sell Unneeded, Obsolete, or Unfit Property on GOVDEALS
02-2021 Auth Mayor to Accept Terms of #130,010 for Poorman, Durbin, and Greenbriar Area Rd Project
47-2021 Appointing Sarah EE Mussman as Village Solicitor for Civil Matters & Declaring an Emergency
45-2021 Amend Ordinance Establishing Maximum Employee Wages, Realing Ordinance in Conflict
43-2021 Adopting Permanent Appropriation for the Current Expenses & other Expenditures of the Village of Bellville, Richland County, State of Ohio During the Fiscal Ending December 31,2022
41-2021 Appointing Sarah EE Mussman as Village Solicitor
39-2021 Amend Section 31.08(A) to Provide Health Insurance Benefits to the Position of Mayor
37-2021 Amend Section 38.300(B)Regarding Telephone, Cellular and/or Radio Communication Assignment and Use
35-2021 Authorizing Leslie Murry Law, LLC to Reprensent the Village in Opioid Litigation
33-2021 Offer of Gift
31-2021 Authorizing Mayor & Village Administrator to Prepare & Submit and Application to Participate in the OPWC State Capital Improvement Program for a Poorman Rd Project & for the Mayor or the Village Administrator to Execute Contracts as Required & Declaring an Emergency
29-2021 Accepts the Amounts and Rates as Determined by Budget Commission & Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies & Certifying them to County Auditor
27-2021 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Sell the SDOX200 Duplex System with PCI DOCS8002 Generator, which no longer of use
25-2021 Accepting the Annexation of Land into the Village
23-2021 Replace Tax in Excess of Ten Mill Limitation by Replacing a Tax of Four (4.0)Mills for General Construction, Reconstruction, Resurfacing, & Repairing of Streets, Roads, & Bridges in the Village & Declaring an Emergency
21-2021 Replacement Tax Levy to Provide General Construction, Reconstruction, Resurfacing, & Repairing of Streets, Roads, & Bridges in the Village
19-2021 Enacting & Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances for the Village & Declaring it an Emergency
17-2021 Authorizing Administrator of the Village to Enter Contracts with 7L Construction, INC for Paving & Reconstruction Projects on N. Huron, Edmondton & Dickerson Ave. & W. Durbin & Greenbriar; & Declaring an Emergency
15-2021 Authorizing Aimee Brown to Enter Loan Agreement for Two Police Cruisers
13-2021 Amend Section 38.090(E)(3) Exclusion of Sick Time when Calculation Overtime Compensation
11-2021 Zoning Code Applicability to Land Subject to Annexation Petition Land Pursuant to 709.023(c) and Declaring an Emergency
09-2021 Municipal Services Provided upon Annexation of Petitioned Land Pursuant to 709.023(c) and Declaring an Emergency
07-2021 Adopt 1st Amendment to Village Certificate of Est Revenue and Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency
05-2021 Approve Seperate Fund Transfers from General & Street Fund to Bond Retirement and Note Retirement Fund
03-2021 Aimee Brown as Designee for Public Records Training and Certification
01-2021 Auth Mayor or Administrator to take Necessary Steps to Advance a Poorman, Durbin, And Greenbriar Area Rd Project expected to be Funded with Loans and Grants thru OPWC State Capital Improvement Program and to Execute Conatracts as Required and Declaring an Emergency
46a-2020 Permanent Appropriations for Current Expenses and other Expenditures of the VOB during the Fiscal Year Ending 2021 and Declaring an Emergency
46-2020 Bonus to Pay Fiscal Officer for serving the Village of Bellville
44-2020 Appointing Sarah EE Mussman as Village Solicitor, Authorizing a Contract
42-2020 Adopt 5th Amendment to the Village Certificate of Est Revenue & Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency
40-2020 Accept the Plat for the Urban Meadows Phase I Development and Declaring an Emergency
38-2020 Accepting Amounts & Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Auth the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor
36-2020 Auth Creation of Local Coronavirus Relief Fund and Declaring an Emergency
34-2020 Auth VOB to Enter Memorandum of Understanding with Clear Fork Valley School District Board of Education for SRO
32-2020 Adopt the 3rd Amendment to the Village Certificate of est. Revenue and Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency
30-2020 Village Administrator to Plan, Specify, and Est. Construction for Sidewalks
28-2020 Adopt 2nd Amendment to 2020 Budget
26-2020 Sell the 2007 GMC 7500 Series VAC Truck
24-2020 Adopting the 9th Supplement to the Code of Ordinance for the Village
22-2020 Resolution authorizing Administrator to enter into Maintenance Agreement for Village-Owned playing grounds
20-2020 Ordinance Amend Distro for Utility Dept T&A;A
18-2020 Resolution to Adopt the 5-year update of the Solid Waste Mgmt Plan, Richland County
16-2020 Ordinance to Amend Distro For the Utility Department T&A;A
14-2020 Emergency Declaration
12-2020 Resolution to Auth Bids for Sidewalks (RIC-13-05.30)
10-2020 Resolution to Auth Revocable Permit to Occupy Right of Way (RIC-13-05.45)
08-2020 Resolution Expressing Intent to Sell Unneeded Property to GovDeals
06-2020 Make Permanent Appropriation
04-2020 Auth Revocable Permit to Occupy Right of Way
02-2020 Solicate Bids for Sidewalk Project (RIC-13-05.45)
49-2020 Adopt 7th Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenue and Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency
47-2020 Amended Ordinance Establish Max Employee Wages
45-2020 Contract Engineering Services with K.E. McCartney & Assoc. Inc
43-2020 Adopt the 6th Amendment to the Village Certificate of Estimated Revenue and Appropriations for 2020 and Declaring it an Emergency
41-2020 Auth Mayor or Administrator to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the OPWC State Capital Improvement Program for Poorman, Durbin, and Greenbriar area Road Project and to Execute Contracts as needed
39-2020 Adopt 4th Amended Village Certificate of Revenue & Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency
37-2020 VOB CARES fund in the Grant Program Administered by the Richland Area Chamber & Econ Dev and Declaring an Emergency
35-2020 Aimee Brown to Enter Bond Agreement for 2020/1 Ram 3500 for Utility Dept
33-2020 House Bill to Receive and Expend Federal funds under Coronavirus
31-2020 Administrator to Execute CRA Tax Abatement for Elite Insurance and Smith Hardware
29-2020 Coronavirus Relief with the Economic Security Act
27-2020 Adopting the 2021 Budget
25-2020 Authorize Administrator to sell 1990 GMC 7000 Series Truck
23-2020 Coronavirus Relief with the Care Act
21-2020 Ordinance to Require Catch and Release for Fishing at Palm Park
19-2020 Ordinance Auth Admin to Enter Contracts for Bellville Sidewalk Project (RIC-13-05.3)17-2020 Resolution to Adopt Proposed Amend Water & Sewer ByLaws of the Village
15-2020 ODOT Salt Contract 2020
13-2020 Resolution to Adopt 1st Amend to Cert of Est Rev and Appropriations
11-2020 Time Clock
09-2020 Resolution Naming Aimee Brown Designee for Public Records
07-2020 Approve Transfers from General to Note & Retirement Fund
05-2020 Amendment Est Max Emp Wages, Repeal Ordinances in Conflict
03-2020 Appropriations for Current Expenses
01-2020 Max Employee Wages
34-2019 Est Distribution for the Utility Dept
32-2019 Engineering Contract with K.E. McCartney & Associates, INC.
30-2019 Accepting Proposed Easements
28-2019 Revenue and Expense Accounts for RITA
26-2019 Levy Renewal for Village Expenses
24-2019 Designate FirstEnergy Solutions as CRES provider
22-2019 Accepting Amounts & Rates Determined by the Budget Commission & Tax Levies
20-2019 Est Sewer Rates
18-2019 Accepting Gift from Jackson Real Estate Holdings II,LLC 10.63 Acres
16-2019 Enter Bond Aggreement for 2019 Police Dodge Charger
14-2019 Auth Village Officials to enter Electrical service contract
12-2019 Adopt 2nd Amend to Village Certificate
10-2019 Adopt 1st Amend to Village Certificate
08-2019 Granting DOT to Maintain Street Highways inside Village
06-2019 Max Employee Wages
04-2019 Project RIC IR 0071 00.00 IR 71 Resurfacing
02-2019 Max Employee Wages
35-2019 Auth 33 additional hours for Village Administrator
33-2019 Apointing Village Solicitor
31-2019 Auth to sell old Sludge Wagon
29-2019 Renew Tax in Excess of 10 Mill Limit of 3 Mills for Village Expenses
27-2019 Adopt 5th Amend to Village Certificate
25-2019 Village of Bellville referred as Local Public Agency (LPA)
23-2019 Memo of Understanding between Clear Fork Valley School District Board of Education for a School Resource Officer
21-2019 Grass and Weed Control Chapter 155
19-2019 Fiscal Officer to sign checks for amounts less than $3,000
17-2019 Adopt 4th Amend to Village Certificate
15-2019 Update Publice Improvement Standards for the Village
13-2019 Adopt 3rd Amend for the Village Certificate
11-2019 Amend Publich Improvement Standards for all Land in the Village
09-2019 Grant Ohio Power Company as franchise
07-2019 Project D03 LG FY2020 LED lighting Upgrades IR 71
05-2019 Permanent Budget 2019
03-2019 Enter Contract with ODOT for Sidewalk Improvements
01-2019 Dead & Diseased Tree Removal